a trip to GERMANY: learning about BORA’s cookertop extractor systems

A few weeks ago, The Kitchen Store’s Design Manager Kevin took a trip to Germany to learn about Bora’s new range of cooktop extractor systems.

Unlike traditional overhead extractors, these brilliant appliances suck vapours and smells downwards, away from the cook. This prevents the transfer of food odours onto your clothes and means you don’t have to have a huge extractor fan dominating your kitchen ceiling. It also makes it so much easier to clean your extractor; no more acrobatics needed to get the dust off your extractor hood!

Nestled in the stunning Tyrol mountains, Kevin and enjoyed live demonstrations of BORA’s kitchen systems, from the cooktop extractors to steam cooking and baking systems. 

For Kevin, these trips are an essential part of his work. Investigating the very newest in kitchen technologies means he can bring innovative solutions to each customer’s space. 

I was genuinely surprised - there wasn't even a hint of cooking scents in the air. Heading back to the hotel, I realized I didn't carry any smells of salmon or steak with me! It just made me appreciate this cooking technique even more - it keeps the air clean and fresh, no lingering smells whatsoever…

We’re excited to offer cooktop extractor systems to our customers - thank you Bora for the fantastic experience.


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